
Why The House Burned Down

Why is our financial system on the verge of collapse? Most point to the housing crisis. What caused the housing crisis? Here's a short video primer on who might be to blame:

I think Fannie/Freddie is weighing heavily around the neck of the Ă˜bamanation.

Aloha, Joe


The Undefended City

In an intriguing article that appears in the National Review, Bill Whittle artfully describes our Western Civilization as an American City whose defenses are at risk.  Here is the article

The Undefended City - No Dispare

Aloha, Joe


How Precious A Child

A beautiful story is told by a blogger at Beyond Pale about how the meeting of John McCain and Sarah Palin at a campaign rally has affected her family. Now this is experience that a lot of real people can relate to.

Photo by Roger Baumgarten

Story: i'm all choked up

Aloha, Joe


Surfing Inspiration

Surfing has affected and changed my life in many waves. Here is a story that is amazing and inspiring, about a man with no limbs who wanted to surf.

Amazing Story - from blog.theryde.com

Aloha, Joe